
“One big #WIunion story: The Tea Party has dropped populist charade, now loudly an anti-union, anti-middle class movement: ” ~ @charlesmonaco.

Power to control the destiny of Labor, rightfully belongs in the hands of Labor. It’s naive to think Corporate money managers have the best interests of the backbone of our Nation in mind.

I want Teachers and Road Workers to have a say in how our city operates. The GOP divisive policies diminish the collective quality of our lives and prevent our development as a Nation of leaders and progressive ideas. I don’t care if the Kochs get 1 penny richer.

By the way, how much, in the way of subsidies and tax breaks, is at stake for the Kochs? How much, of what GOP politicians propose, protects Koch interests and exempts them from environmental accountability?

A powerful statement from #WI workers will be petitions for the Recall of 8 Republican Senators. The eight Republicans who can be recalled right now are: Robert Cowles, Alberta Darling, Sheila Harsdorf, Luther Olsen, Randy Hopper, Glenn Grothman, Mary Lazich, Dan Kapanke. OFA will fan out to their districts and Labor volunteers will collect the signatures required. This can happen in 2 weeks.

Stay tough Madison. Stay tough Dem14. Keep the pressure on. Walker will crack.

About jackdetate

Married, 2 children, retired, enjoying unstructured time: "And then he drank a dew From a convenient grass, And then hopped sidewise to the wall To let a beetle pass." ~ Emily Dickinson
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